
Showing posts from September, 2018

best conceptual questions in c programming

Best conceptual questions in c programming     1. void main()      {int x=1;         switch (x)           { x=x+1;              case 1 :printf("one");break;              case 2 :printf("two");break;              default:printf("three");           }       } What will be output? Answer: one 2. What  will be output of following code segment int i=1; while(i++<); printf("%d",i); Answer: 6 3. What is the output of following snippet? void main() {int a=321;  char *p; p=&a; printf("%c",*p); } Answer: A Note: The file name must be saved with .c extension. 4. What will be output of following code segment? #define   x  5+2; void main() { int i;  i=x*x*x; printf("%d",i); Answer: 27 5.What will be o...

How to duplicate or copy the data(columns or records) from one table to another

Copy column from one table to another We can copy columns from one table to another using select command as shown below: Syntax: insert into destination_table_name select * from source_table_name; Suppose we have a student table which has certain number of record and we want to copy all record to another table student2 to then we write command as : insert into student2 select * from student; Duplicate all the record in a table Similarly we can duplicate the data of a table. Syntax: insert into table_name select *from table_name; For example we want to duplicate data of table student then the command will be: insert into student select * from student;

Error application not found in oracle 10g Solved

Error  application not found Solved Hello, if you are facing problem in logging in oracle 10g express edition with the error  application not found  then the following steps may solved your problem:-  1. Reinstall the application. or  2. Just type the following  url in your browser and make bookmark and open from there whenever required. Hope this may help you. Thanks.

class diagram ,sequence diagram,Collaboration Diagram ,use case ,Component Diagram and Deployment Diagram diagram of Student's Mark analysis system in uml

class diagram of student's mark analysis system use case diagram of student's mark analysis system Sequence_Diagram Collaboration_Diagram Component_diagram Component_Diagram

Hello World program in oracle sql

Hello World program in oracle sql It is quite weird but yes you can make hello world program in oracle sql  with the help of  dbms_output.put_line() function writing between begin and END keyword as shown below. begin dbms_output.put_line('Hello World!!'); end; Output: "Hello World!!" Program of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication in oracle 10g Here the program can be divided into two part declaration and definition. Declaration section consist of DECLARE keyword followed by variable to be used. Definition section starts with  BEGIN   keyword which consist of definition or the operation to be performed. The program is terminated using END keyword followed by  backslash  ( / )   which tell about the termination of the program. DECLARE     a integer := 10;    b integer := 5;    c integer;    d integer;    e integer;    f...

how to insert multiple rows values(records or tuple) in oracle sql

How to insert multiple rows in oracle sql We can insert multiple row values or tuple in a single run by using begin and end commands as shown below: Syntax: begin insert into table_name values(column1_values,column2_values,....); insert into table_name values(column1_values,column2_values,....); insert into table_name values(column1_values,column2_values,....); ..... commit; end; / insertion of multiple rows in oracle sql For example if we want to insert values in a table emp which has five columns defined we can insert as shown below. begin insert into emp values(1000,'xxx',15000,'aaa',30); insert into emp values(1001,'yyy',18000,'aaa',20); insert into emp values(1002,'yyy',20000,'aaa',10); commit; end; / Explanation: The above query will insert three rows or tuple in emp table. We can see using select command as-- select * from emp; output: I  hope you have understood  .Howe...

Sequence diagram of Airport Check-in and Sreening System in uml

Sequence diagram describe interactions among classes in terms of an exchange message over time.Time is shown along vertical (y-axis) and objects arrangement along horizontal (x-axis) , i.e., the first event will be on left side topmost corner and the last event will be on right side bottom most corner. The sequence diagram for Airport Check-In and Security Screening System is shown below.

how to open camera using your python code(Computer Vision)

Does A computer have a vision ? Yes, a computer can use its camera for its vision. Here is the code to open camera or webcam using python code or we can say the code behind the cheese command in linux . import cv2 cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True:        r,        cv2.imshow("hi",photo)        cv2.waitKey(1)        if cv2.waitKey(1)==27:             break cv2.destroyAllWindows() cap.release() # r is a variable which store True value if capturing is successful else it stores False. #photo is a variable of type pnj or jpg store the photo. #waitKey(1) is an in-built function which takes times in milisecond  as argument and wait until that time for next event. Note:    Press  ESC key for closing your camera as given value ASCII is 27 which is of esc key. Explanation:      Here the first line...